Boarding Agreement
Til mar, llc (til mar) agrees to exercise reasonable care in keeping the kennel premises properly enclosed and sanitary, in keeping the pet properly and regularly fed, and to house the pet in clean, safe quarters.
All pets are boarded, trained, or otherwise handled without liability on til mar’s part for loss or injury from disease, death, running away, theft, fire, injuries, to persons and/or other pets, or property by said pet, or other unavoidable causes, due diligence and care having been exercised.
If the pet becomes seriously ill, or if the pet’s health appears to require immediate action, the pet owner authorizes til mar to provide the services of a veterinarian designated above or if no veterinarian is designated, to call a veterinarian of til mar’s choice; and/or to administer medicine and/or to provide other advisable attention to the pet, within til mar’s discretion and best judgement. Any expense so incurred by til mar shall be paid by the pet owner when the dog is released.
All charges for boarding, training, or other services must be paid before the pet is released
If the pet is not retrieved by the pet owner within 10 days of the scheduled pick-up date, the pet will be disposed of at til mar’s discretion, without liability to til mar. the pet owner shall be responsible for all associated fees and costs, including boarding, disposal, til mar legal fees, legal expenses, and other collection costs in enforcing this agreement.